Iron Cove Global Background

Client Services

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Permanent Placement

Standard source and selection of professionals for permanent positions, ranging from technical engineering to middle or senior management levels (either on contingent or retained basis).

Executive Search

Retained executive search solutions, involving full research, mapping, identification, source & selection for industry leaders in specified executive or non-executive positions. Typical roles being MD, CEO, COO, VP, CFO, GM, NED, Chairman.

Short Term Contract

Execution of hiring services for shorter term roles, normally ranging from 3-12 months.

Project Based Solutions

Ad-Hoc project based sourcing to man up full teams and/or achieve outcomes associated to cost reduction initiatives, construction projects, tonnage ramp up milestones, revenue generation, plant availability improvements, metallurgical recovery improvements, etc.

Unbundled Consulting Services

ICG also offer unbundled services to complete some or part of the hiring process. Eg. Development of a shortlist, application filtering, completion of initial pre-screen interviews, reference checking or industry research.

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